How We Test our Products
BitBinders does extensive testing before, during and after manufacture of our products in order to ensure you receive the most reliable products possible.
Receipt Inspections:
Passive electrical components are batch tested to ensure their performance is within tolerances. Other components are typed, measured and color verified before acceptance.
Integrated circuit testing:
All integrated circuits are tested using a professional grade IC tester.

A small percentage of brand new and and vintage IC's can and do fail or fall out of specifications during this testing. We make sure that every integrated circuit installed in our products is operating optimally.
In-circuit test points:
During assembly, a number of test points are checked for proper operations using an oscilloscope or multi-meter.
These tests ensure that voltage levels and clock frequencies are correct at multiple points in the circuits.
Final Testing for Approval:
Disk drives are run through a "burn-in" period including a two hour session of continuous read and write cycles with read verification.
Power supplies are tested for one hour under a load of 80% of maximum continuous load rating.